Poster for Design Matters – A Service Learning initiative at the Ohio State University

Book Project - Students stories and collaborative work efforts.
Scale Assignment - OSU students & TransitArts students measure each other to make avatars to scale.

Co-Creating Avatars - Made with a broad variety of materials accumulated by the students.
Mentoring - Students from OSU and TransitArts working on renovation and interior plans for the Bryden House Revitlization in Olde Townw East Columbus, Ohio.
Wall Mural - On the topic of family and mentoring. Designed by master artists at Central Community House, Columbus, Ohio.
Tool Kits - Undertstanding needs and desires through Participatory Design. Students design interior space re-use for Bryden House, using images and words that result in artifacts for interpretation and expression.

Film Project - Telling the story of Design Matters activities. Used as an outreach and engagement tool for the community.

Felt Project - Students designed and constructed a wall storage unit for Bryden House.
Furntiture Project - Students collaborate on design and build furniture.
Lighting Project - Graphics were designed by OSU and TransitArts students, printed and applied to a wooden frame.
Revitalizing a Neighborhood - Beginning with plans for the adaptive re-use and transformation of Bryden House in Historic Olde Towne East, Columbus, Ohio.