This is a Handmade Art Book made with paper produced from heirloom table linen originating from the early textile mills of Rhode Island. It is in homage to the artists’ New England cultural heritage and inspired by photographs taken by the artists.
Design & images: Robin Lee Reed
Pen illustrations: Thornton K. Lothrop
Cover paper: Handmade family heirloom linen, cotton linter & abaca with pigmented paper pulp
Quotations: Selected from the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882), a native of New England
Typography: Minion Pro designed by Robert Slimbach
Production: Films and photo-polymer plates
Printing: Vandercook letterpress
Concertina fold:  hand bound and assembled at the Center for Book Arts & Logan Elm Press at The Ohio State University.
Edition: 100
Paper Pulp - Early heirloom table cloth shreaded for pulp.
Paper Pulp - The fibers are beaten into a fine pulp and then added to water in a paper mill.
Deckle: Divided into three bands. The width of the book cover.
Paper slurry: Dipping and removing the deckle from the paper mill basin.Letting the pulp settle before it is "couched" on felt for drying.
Pigmented pulp - After paper is couched onto felt, dyes were mixed and pigmented pulp squeezed along the deckled edge to simulate movement and colors by the sea.
Deckled edge - Cover paper squeezed between felts and dried. Trimmed before printing on the letterpress.
Illustrations - Pen on Somerset Book, 115gms, Off White, 115gms.
Photography - North Lighthouse, Block Island, Rhode Island.
Photography - Roque Bluffs, Maine.
Printing - Placement and registration on the Vandercook letter press.
Printed in 2012 - Double page pen illustration, one of 8 printed on a Vandercook letterpress.
Assembly - Each copy was assembled by hand, numbered and signed by the artists.
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