Objective: Design and construct a Design History Exhibition Cube, 8 x 8" that communicates a particular design movement, school of thought or manufacturer of design. Timeline: 3 weeks.
Student: Yu Lei, Junior the Ohio State University Department of Design, Spring 2014
Title: Sony Corporation, product evolution
Materials: Paper, Bristol Board

Student: Robin Neuhaus, Junior the Ohio State University Department of Design, Spring 2014
Title: Dieter Rams, Braun Manufacturer
Materials: Wood, paint
Title: Dieter Rams, Braun Manufacturer
Materials: Wood, paint

Student: Anthony Jensen, Freshman OSU Department of Design, Spring 2014
Title: Street Art
Materials: Paper, Foam Core
Title: Street Art
Materials: Paper, Foam Core

Student: Chenyan Li, Freshman the Ohio State University Department of Design, Spring 2014
Title: Bauhaus, International Style
Materials: Paper, Bristol Board

Student: Yvonne Chen, Junior OSU Department of Design, Spring 2014
Title: Social Design Movement
Materials: Paper
Title: Social Design Movement
Materials: Paper